Frequently Asked Questions about the Girl Scouts of Citrus Alumnae

Who are GSC Alumnae?
Girl Scouts of Citrus Alumnae is a group of adults (18 and older) who are current and former Girl Scouts, volunteers, and staff. Whether you were a Girl Scout Brownie for one year, a Girl Scout for five years, or a volunteer for 20 years, you are a Girl Scout Alumnae!

What does it cost to join?
Membership to the GSC Alumnae is free! However, if you would like to renew your Girl Scout membership, click here or become a Lifetime Member, click here.

What is the difference between GSUSA and GSC? Girl Scouts of the USA (GSUSA) is the national Girl Scouts organization based in New York City. Girl Scouts of Citrus (GSC) is the local Girl Scouts organization, serving six counties in Central Florida. The Council Service Center is located downtown in Orlando. GSC Alumnae organizes events and activities in all six counties.

How does GSC Alumnae support Girl Scouts of Citrus?
Alumnae play a vital role in Girl Scouts of Citrus, providing leadership, resources and skills to the organization.

What are the benefits of being a GSC Alumnae?
Reconnect with the network of women that helped you become the successful person you are today. You will be able to attend activities, events and learn about volunteer opportunities. Keep up to date on all things with Girl Scouts of Citrus!

I would like to make a donation to Girl Scouts of Citrus. How can I do that?
Thank you for wanting to make a gift to Girl Scouts of Citrus! For your convenience you can make a donation here.

How can I connect with GSC Alumnae on social media?
That is easy! Follow us on Facebook.

Any Additional Questions?
Please contact Lydia Sealey, Director of Alumnae Relations, at Girl Scouts of Citrus, 341 North Mills Avenue, Orlando, FL 32803. Or by email at