Angel in Green
Having left mortal earth, I passed through Heaven’s Gate
And while anxiously awaiting the outcome of my fate
I walked among the Angels all robed in purest white
Whereupon I saw one figure which cast a greenish light.
She sat upon a misty cloud, a harp held to her breast
In a flowing, blowing gown of green unlike all the rest;
I asked what great deed she’d done to earn the special hue
That gave her color where others had none, or maybe just a few.
She said “On earth I sought no fame, fortune was not my goal,
I shunned the power of politics and worked without a toll;
I spent my time with children, helping them to grow
For as you reap in life, so must you learn to sow.”
“You see…” she said, “the dividends while growing up I’d share
I returned where many others were too self-involved to care.
Girl Scouting was my choice of roads to follow in my quest
For among the girls I found a love deeper than the rest.”
“A teacher was I, my work was hard, I had no diploma or pay
But where family and institutions failed, I help show them the way.
The lessons I taught were obscure and difficult to see
For they didn’t have names like ‘spelling’, ‘math’, or geometry’.”
“They were lessons in life delivered through guided experience
And they taught such things as character, spirit, and confidence.
Though on earth my life was blessed, it’s even more so today
For when I look down I see my work, as my girls show others the way.”
“On earth Girl Scouting taught me to leave things better than before
And the same applies to that mortal place where life never was a bore.
Now having lived by that Girl Scouting rule in every earthly endeavor
I have become an Angel in green and shall be a Girl Scout forever.”
© Shirley Rhodes, The Patch Corner 1986
Rights to duplication and publication not for profit are granted to any registered Girl Scouts
If you know of an adult Girl Scout Member that has passed away, please submit their information so that we can include them on Our Green Angel list.
The information on this page was provided by friends or family members. We cannot guarantee accuracy.
Our Green Angels
Cynthia (Cindy) Howard (5/19/1945 – 9/22/2022)
Lifetime Member, and 65+ years of Girl Scout membership. Cindy grew up as a Girl Scout and was passionate about the Girl Scout program throughout her life. As a young girl, Cindy attended the 1962 Senior Girl Scout Round-Up in Button Bay State Park, Vermont. As an adult volunteer, Cindy served on the RSVP committee, was the Association Chair for Seminole County, and she was a dedicated volunteer at the Council Service Center.
Cindy was actively involved with the GSC Alumnae and served as Chair for the Leadership Team. She always encouraged former Girls Scouts to reconnect and participate in alumnae activities. Cindy also dedicated her time and energy to the new, Women’s History & Cultural Center. Cindy always believed in giving service; she would be the first one to volunteer and always be there when needed
Karen Marie Anderson (12/13/1952 – 5/17/2021)
Karen was a troop leader of multi-age troops at Cambridge Elementary and was a mentor for new troop leaders for many, many years. She was also the Cookie Chair for Manatee Shores, served on the RSVP Committee and was the Camp Nurse for resident camp at MKW Program Center.
Debbie Hunt (4/23/1957 – 4/14/2021)
Debbie was certainly a Girl Scout Sister! Debbie grew up as Girl Scouts, spending her youth in the program and developing a love for the program from the inside. She loved bringing the program to the girls in our troops!
Debbie came into the program again as an adult volunteer to make a difference for every girl! It was well known that she would take in anyone from any school in our service unit, and she formed those girls from all over into wonderful troops. Not just one troop, but Debbie managed to have multiple troops, at multiple levels. The girls in her troops got the program, they traveled, they sold product, and they earned and learned!
Debbie was always involved in more than just her troops, she became part of the Green Oaks Service Unit team right from the start and held many positions including Service Unit Manager for many years. She was a strong leader in the management of Green Oaks service unit with over 50 troops for several years. Debbie continued to participate on the team as events and camporee director, and many other positions that take extra time and effort!
Tracy McElwain (9/6/1969 – 5/12/2018)
Tracy was a member of Girl Scouts for 26+ years. She started Troop #007 when her daughter Tabitha (2016 Gold Awardee) was in kindergarten and continued with her youngest daughter Sabrina who is in 9th grade. Tracy served on numerous Voyager Team positions; Community Cookie Chair, Community Booth Chair, Troop Mentor and most famous for Camporee Director, where girls have an AMAZING traditional camp experience that have everlasting memories for a lifetime.
Deborah (Dee Dee) Rigell (10/11/1963 – 4/8/2018)
Dee Dee was a member of Girl Scouts for 15 years. She led a multi-level troop in the Seminole Lakes Community for many years. In addition to serving her troop, she also acted as the New Troop Mentor for Seminole Lakes where she spent her time fostering relationships with new leaders and building the sisterhood in her community. Dee Dee was a sister to every Girl Scout.
Cranford Todd Rigell (9/6/1962 – 5/6/2017)
“Man Enough to be a Girl Scout” for 6 years. Seminole Lakes Community, Seminole County. Volunteer for Troop #848 and Citrus Council.
Sandra Diane Gallagher (8/21/1960 – 4/27/2017)
GSC Staff Member for 16 years and was the Executive Administrative Assistant to the CEO.
Jean Moore, (12/19/1926 – 4/20/2017)
Lifetime Member, Girl Scout for 81 years. A Girl Scout from the age of 10, she was a Camp Counselor, Troop Leader, Neighborhood Chairman, and Secretary.
Argietta Rogers, (1/18/1955 – 3/27/2016)
GSC Staff Member for 16 years and was the Community Team Manager for Orange County. She was a Brownie Girl Scout in Germany.
Ralph Kulzer, (3/17/1947 – 3/9/2016)
“Man Enough to be a Girl Scout” for 35 years. Manatee Shores, Brevard County. He served as the Cookie Cupboard Manger for Brevard County.
Ashley Lynn Ortiz, (9/26/1982 – 2/10/2016)
Foliage Community, Orange County. Brownie Troop Leader
Debi Gardell Warner, (6/26/1954 – 3/24/2015)
Lifetime Member, 20 years of Girl Scout membership, New Generations Service Unit, Seminole County. Council Trainer, Association Co-Chair, SU Registrar, Cookie Chair, Recognitions Chair and Camporee Director.
Lillian “Connie” Ulrich, (4/30/1925 – 11/9/2014)
Lifetime Member, 78 years of Girl Scout membership. Infinity Community, Brevard County. Council Trainer, Association Co-Chair.
Lois Conner Koons, (2/7/1960 – 12/12/2011)
Served as Leader for Troop 72, Service Unit Manager for Reedy Creek Service Unit, Osceola County. Lois was a SWOO Delegate, SU Cookie Chair, and Fall Funds Chair. As a Jr. Girl Scout, Lois earned every available badge.